dissabte, de febrer 11, 2006

Gays Are Lonely Skaters

As I, regrettably, watch the winter Olympics I can’t help but wonder how the homosexual lifestyle has permeated through all parts of life. No, the olympics don’t usually do this. Perhaps I should be more specific.

As I, regrettably, watch pairs figure skating I can’t help but wonder how the homosexual lifestyle has permeated through all parts of life. (Now we can move forward, right?)

This “integration” makes sense since homosexuals are humans living lives right alongside heterosexuals. Not in cages separated from the rest of society. Actually some do the whole cage
thing alongside heterosexuals, but I digress.

While I’ll n
ever understand why one’s sexual preference dictates the rest of one’s life there is, no doubt, a stereotypical way of life for homosexuals and heterosexuals each. I say stereotypical so it is clear that I am referring to a generalization containing a million exceptions. The part that is true- preferring to have intimate/sexual relationships with ones own sex, is what I’m going to focus on.

Homosexuals are humans just like the rest of us. (I know shocking isn’t it) No matter how you frame it we are all forced to live with everyone’s choice; meaning toleration is an unstoppable force that exposes one’s own ignorance if resisted. Slowly the sexuality of another person is increasingly irrelevant to the activities they participate in (other than sex of course) and people, eventually, are ok doing what they do alongside someone who doesn’t orient their gonads the same way they do.

The perpetually starving media lets us know of the first actor, athlete, military general, etc. that are openly gay. This forces people to talk about birds and the bees and how some times bees like stinging each other rather than sticking it those crazy birds. In addition, homosexuals challenge the establishments that are built on heterosexual tenets. These two movements end up bringing about a lot of change to all parts of life.

While athletics have lagged in this toleration movement it is amazing that out of all sports figure skating would still be stuck in the rigid rules imposed by the heterosexual way of life. I wouldn’t be saying anything you hadn’t thought yourself, or been told already, if I claimed that figure skating is a tremendously feminine sport. I guess people think this b/c of the costumes and dainty movements. The reality of the situation, though, is that having two XX chromosomes does not empower you to do a better triple sow cow.

Either way people assume the guy who figure skates is gay, or close to it, unless he’s competing alongside a woman. As if somehow the proximity of a vagina to a man's penis dictates that man’s sexuality. Actually I guess in a technical sense it does; doesn’t it?

What I want to know is why progressive homosexuals aren’t calling out the sport of figure skating for discriminating against them? Why aren’t they calling for women pairs and men pairs to be allowed to compete against mixed sex pairs?

It seems that while everyone was giving figure skating a free pass to homo town it is really as homophobic as a Reagan democrat in 1983. The international olympic committee has some explaining to do as to what the benefit of only allowing a man and woman to comprise a skating pair in competitions is. Don’t blame American family values for this one boys and girls b/c the IOC hates us Americans as much as an out of work Arab who receives his world news with his religious sermons.

The best part is that the IOC allows men and women who have had sex change operations to compete against the gender they just became. You’d think this progressive thinking would be consistent.

If anything, I guess, you can now rest assured that figure skating isn’t a gay sport after all (like it mattered). Although, it would be ok if it was.

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Everything on this website is solely the opinion of Michael Lorenzo, which should not be taken to reflect the truth in any way. As for the pictures, I don't know who these people are.