dimecres, de febrer 20, 2008

Paprika and other words that start with P

Such as perseverance, persistence, patience, passion, priority, and promotion. Each one as relevant as the first 'p' word, and just as important in the grand scheme of things concerning yours truly. This post didn't really start with a theme, (and I'm not one to proofread things that aren't tied to pay) but rather the ideas began with the name of a spice then flowed from there. It makes me question the interconnectivity of my cognitive paths but I fear I lose you (the reader) two words down that direction.

Thus another question will suffice at a time like this- Why am I writing again? (or rather why am I writing again here of all places, and to no one in particular- actually that one can probably be easily interpreted by the end of this passage). The answer isn't because I haven't been delving back into David Foster Wallace, although the hacking of parenthesis proliferation would beg otherwise. My best guess as to what the best answer is two fold- I was reminded that I enjoyed writing and I found a bit of time.

On the surface this idea of writing, once again, through a medium that is more knee jerk than any other associated with digital diction seems like a bad idea. To be honest I am only saying "on the surface" because I am hoping somewhere in the sum of the surrounding words there will be some greater benefit realized. Either way I know there is at least a negative aspect to it because I made the mistake of revealing this repository's existence to someone who's opinion is running high in value (in my mind, not in some marketplace, but if you (the reader) know of anywhere that is compensating people for their opinions regarding amateur writing please let me know immediately).

It would probably have been easier to say "No, actually it's probably better for this relationship if you never knew of my aspirations as a wordsmith" to the request to "Read something of yours (i.e. mine)." Yet somewhere I got the idea that leaving oneself (e.g. me) as open as possible to judgment would lead to more fruitful relationships, non-platonic or otherwise. I also read the wrong books on writing, ones intended for people who knew all the rules and therefore be capable of holding interest while still breaking said rules. I think I just try to break the few rules I know so it looks like I'm in charge of what my fingers are pressing together (this is a poor reference to keyboard typing).

But I'll start trying to hold interest right now. That lead set of paragraphs has to be ridiculously boring. This is what is going on right now for me.

Today marked the one year anniversary of my time at my current job. Sticking to the topic of a job I was promoted today. This was the most unceremonious promotion I have heard of during my short span in the force (i.e. work force). Apparently the biggest news for me in a while was reserved to an undiscussed bullet point present on a slide which was used at a meeting I chose to not attend. I am not sure what this promotion means. Sure, I've achieved promotions before but usually the announcement is tied to some increase in salary, which is what I care about. It was obvious to me that I could move up if I worked hard, and this title change (i.e. promotion) is basically an opportunity to do more challenging work. The thing about challenges is that they are taken for the reward. Hopefully there's a financial reward at some point, but I work in a weird place. The most analogous entity would be a family of famous authors that are all blind, deaf, and mute. They can all express moving prose, yet not to each other. That comparison probably only makes sense to me.

Another thing that is currently going on is the retirement of Nicholas Gurewitch, creator of PBF Comics, and one of the living humorists I hold in high regards. I won't get into his work since it's linked in the sidebar, but I will admit that I am sad about the news. He recently published a hardcover collection of his strips, which I purchased. The popularity of the book seems to have been a catalyst for his semi-retirement, and I feel partly responsible, but mostly empathetic. When I work hard it's for the sole reason of making more money so that I won't have to work so hard. I am not sure where this cycle ends, but I can see how it takes a break when a book one has authored does unexpectedly well. Good for Nicholas, I applaud his decision to move on, if only partly, to other desires and not exploit his fame at a time when it would be most profitable.

This whole passage seems overly melancholic and I am not sure what that is a function of but I'll take a stab since I am supposed to be the expert on the 'why' and 'how' regarding myself. I've been thinking lately about burning bridges, and I probably mean burnt bridges, but I am holding out from calling it that for the sake of not admitting that the bridges are burnt or that I am not continuing to burn them. There isn't a clear reason for if or why I participate in such relational pyromania, but this is probably all born from the fact that most everyone who congratulated me on my promotion made some mention of 'celebrating it with your (i.e. my) friends." I guess I've done a good job of perpetuating myself as some social person who has friends ready and waiting for me to call the time on happy hour. That isn't the case. I definitely have friends but not those types of friends, the type that is around all the time. I think I forgot to make the friend thing a priority for a while and am now dealing with it.

Either way, I have many good and a few great things happening in my life, therefore none of this should be seen as a complaint. More like an airing of recent past, which I'll try to pick more cohesive episodes to delve into. Consider this post a stretching of a writing muscle that is in obvious need of rehab.

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Everything on this website is solely the opinion of Michael Lorenzo, which should not be taken to reflect the truth in any way. As for the pictures, I don't know who these people are.